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We believe that engaging our younger generation is a key component to building strong future families and communities. Christ Community Church offers a number of opportunities for young people to get involved and grow in their faith.

Community Kidz

Led by a team of volunteers whose passion is children and whose vision is to “Connect Kids to God and to Others,” Community Kidz is the Christ Community Church Children’s Ministry.


Our goal is to provide a fun and interactive program tailored just for kids to help them know Jesus and grow spiritually as they build meaningful relationships with other children and adults!


Community Kidz is open to kids ages two to 12 each Sunday, with the exception of fifth Sundays.

Winter Basketball League

Started in 2013, the Winter Basketball League makes “winners in the game of life” by using basketball as a vehicle to promote character, life principles and most importantly, the gospel of Jesus Christ.


The League reaches hundreds of young men and women represented by numerous churches and organizations throughout the Cleveland area.


Each player signs a Character Agreement, agreeing to avoid harm to their minds and bodies by pollutions of this world (drugs, stealing, skipping school, etc.). Players also attend small group discussions called rap sessions designed to help players understand how the Bible applies to their daily lives.


Visit for more info.

Community Kidz
Winter Basketball League
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