Bible Studies and Life Groups
We believe in doing life and growing in the Word together! CCC Life Groups are small groups that meet to encourage, care for and challenge one another to walk out our faith.
Life Groups and Bible studies are at the core of CCC’s plan to develop disciples. A disciple is one called by God into a loving relationship with Christ for the purpose of becoming like Christ while on mission with Christ. Our vision is to see people:
Fall deeper in love with Jesus (intimacy)
Become more and more like Jesus (maturity)
Live increasingly on mission with Jesus (impact)
Life Groups and Bible studies are powerful tools in our journey toward spiritual maturity and developing authentic, Christ-honoring relationships. Group meetings include biblical teaching as well as discussion about practical life application and feature a variety of topics relevant to men, women and youth.
Life Groups are available for a wide range of groups and special interests and will connect you with a group of people to hang out with, support and pray for as they do the same for you.
In addition to Life Groups, we offer Bible studies to support you in your spiritual growth. Our goal is for every member of CCC to participate in either a Life Group or Bible Study.
Explore the list below to find a group that fits you! Groups will meet September 2023 through May 2024.
For more information, e-mail us at
Open Heart Life Group
1st and 3rd Tuesdays | 7 pm
Where: Zoom
Leader: Earl Mauldin,
All men are warriors! Men are called to fight and stand firm for their families, churches, and their communities. This life group is designed to help all men develop the spiritual weapons needed to fight the good fight of faith. Further, men will be encouraged and challenged to be the husbands, fathers, and men God has called them to be. In this life group, men will be equipped to stand firm for The LORD and to remain steadfast in their commitment to God.
Christian Living Life Group
2nd and 4th Saturdays | 10:00 am
Where: Zoom
Leader: Beverly Payne,
Christian Living Life Group desires to see women cultivate a strong relationship with Christ. As women navigate through the different issues and seasons of life, they are equipped to understand those challenges through the Word of God. In this group, women study the Scriptures together and encourage one another to live for God.
Youth Group
2nd and 4th Sundays
Where: Christ Community Church
Leaders: Youth Group Leadership team,
Youth Group is an opportunity for young people, ages 12 - 18, to engage the Bible in a fun and interactive way. Youth Group is for any young person looking to grow in their faith.
Children's Church
Every Sunday (except 1st Sunday)
Where: Christ Community Church
Leader: Children's Church Leadership team,
Children's church is a fun way for children to learn about the Bible. Young people are taught the truths of Scriptures in a Christ-centered, child friendly environment.
bible studies
Sunday Morning Men's Bible Study
Every Other Sundays | 9:30 am
Where: Christ Community Church
Contact: Davlon Johnson,
Sunday Morning Men's Bible study is an opportunity to study the Scriptures with other men in an interactive and engaging way. During the Bible study, men will study and explore a Book of the Bible. Bible study typically lasts for one hour, so it is a great opportunity to engage God’s Word.
Sunday Morning Women's Bible Study
1st and 3rd Sundays | 9:30 am
Where: Christ Community Church
Contact: Marylin Murphy,
Sunday Morning Women's Bible study is an opportunity to study the Scriptures with other women in a fun, interactive, and engaging way. During the Bible study, we will study and explore a Book of the Bible. Sunday Morning Women's Bible study typically lasts for one hour, so it is a great opportunity to engage God’s Word.
Biblical Learning Certificate Program​
The purpose of the Biblical Learning Certificate Program (BLC) is to go deeper in the Word of God for the purpose of a greater understanding of God’s Word, passionate worship, and greater commitment and devotion to the King. In this class, students will cover various doctrines and topics such as who is God, what is the Bible and how did we get it, what is the church, and topics related to the end-times.